Table for Two

Bell Kalengar

Dead Plate

Bell Kalengar







People who genuinely don't know how to respect clear set boundaries. 

People who make SA/R@p3 Jokes

People who don't stand with Palestine 

Weirdos who like R@pe, Zoophila, Necrophilia, any weird shit like that please get away from me. 

Anyone who is racist, Homophobic, etc.

People who support AI Art

People who fetishize mlm or wlw 

People who fetishize races, or believe in RCTA

If you're just a straight up weirdo, I'm going to block you. 







You need to be 14+ to be mutuals with me, please. 

I don't really like slurs even if reclaimable. (You can say them just not around me too often, please and thank you.) 

I'm a hypersexual, I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable.

I joke about nsfw topics (not 24/7 but still, if you're uncomfortable with those things it's probably best we don't be friends. Though I'll try to make you as comfortable as I can by respecting your boundaries.) 

I'm demiromantic, I can't really feel romantic attraction towards people. If I suggest we become platonic partners after you ask me out, firstly, take the offer because I can't really love you in the way you love me. Please know I'm going to love you with the amount of love that I can give you. Though don't expect me to enjoy things such as pet-names, extreme romantic gestures, and sweet-talk. 

I can be really emotional sometimes and I have really bad paranoia. I'm sometimes very rude, I'm sorry in advance. I can also lose energy to do anything very quickly. 

I don't like to be worshipped or be seen as a god. Please don't give me overwhelming praise, it makes me extremely uncomfortable. Please and thank you.